Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My First Sticks!

I tried to post a picture of a needle, but for some reason it was just showing up as a bunch of random letters... so nevermind. But I did my first needle sticks at work today! It was the longest day I've worked so far - 14 hours - but it was so fun! I am only 3 sticks away from being completely trained and able to do everything on my own. It has been an extensive training process, but I have really enjoyed it and have learned so much! My trainer told me today that I was going to be sticking and I felt like I was going to throw up... I was so nervous! But she talked me through it all and I did it! I was able to get in 8 of them. It really isn't bad at all! A totally random post, but I was pretty excited about it!


The Dwelley's said...

I would be so afraid to stick anyone. I would be a little worried to as the person being stuck :) Good for you though.

Marisha & Forrest said...

Dude, I am so proud of you!! That is seriously so excited & I really want that job =) How is the sticking going so far now?

danielle bailey said...

I miss you! I love hearing from your mom everything that's going on. I know I am a horrible blogger. I'm so proud of you. Maybe you can give Braden some shots next time you see him.