Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Another good weekend has come and gone. Friday night, Sarah and her roommate Kelcie, and Mataya and I went to the "Rock the Block" party for a little while. It was way fun, but there were SO many people there it was almost overwhelming. We got back to Sarah and Kelcie's apartment at 12:30 AM and made pancakes and started a movie, but then decided to turn it off and go home because we were all falling asleep!
Saturday morning I drove out to Alpine and went to breakfast with Becca Groesbeck. It was cold, rainy, and super windy when I was driving out there and when we left the restaurant to go back to her house it was snowing!! It didn't stick... But still - it snowed! Then I drove to Salt Lake and it was snowing there too. And sticking. It was so cool to look up at the mountains from the freeway and see snow on the rooftops and trees and everything. I can't believe winter is almost here....
Sunday was a typical Sunday. Then, after church, 2 of our guy friends came over and made us dinner. They made haystacks and turned out so good! They made brownies for dessert and even had a centerpiece!!... Kinda... (They broke a branch off a tree in our courtyard and put it in a glass of water). It was pretty funny. I'll post a picture of it later.
Monday was a typical Monday as well. It was cold, so my roommate and I decided to make homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner. It was the perfect meal for a day like that.
Tonight, when everyone gets home from school/work, my roommates and I are making dinner and hot chocolate and driving up Provo Canyon for a picnic dinner and to see the colors. I haven't seen it yet, but apparently the canyon is just beautiful at this time of year. I'll take pictures and post those too... eventually! I'll update on that tomorrow!

QUOTE FOR THE WEEK: "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
-Albert Einstein