Monday, September 24, 2007

Ok, it's cold!! It's 11:30 and it's only 47 degrees outside! It's going to take some getting used to, but I am so excited for the winter!
Well, this weekend was great. Friday night, Mataya, Sara and I went to a party at the "Hollywood House" (don't was a good party) for a little bit. There were SO many people there, I could not believe it. Then on Saturday, I went to the BYU vs. Airforce football game with Mataya and some other people. It was pretty fun... and then it started raining. And actually, that was fun too - except for the fact that it was cold. We got drenched! We took some fun pictures... I'll post those later. After the game, we went out to dinner with Max Hall and his family at Fuddruckers. I had never been there before, so I was impressed. After dinner, I drove out to Salt Lake to spend the weekend with the Johnson's again. It was such a fun, relaxing weekend.
Today it's back to the busy life. I have school, FHE at 7:30 and a biology study session at 8:30... We'll see how it goes!!


Susie said...

Hurry up and post some pictures! I hope biology is going better- I'm thinking really good thoughts for you! I can't believe it's that cold already- brrr!!