Thursday, November 1, 2007

Just Be Happy

Halloween was pretty fun. Mataya, Sarah and I dressed up as eskimos-the perfect costume for a Utah night. The costumes were way cute. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures because my camera is broken and in the process of being fixed. So just use your imagination! :)

So I had a revelation the other day that I wanted to share with all of you. Ready?? Here it is: Just be happy. I know, I know. Good, huh? But seriously... A few weeks ago I was having kind of a hard time and found myself in about a week-long bad mood. One night, I was laying in bed trying to figure out how to feel better and it hit me- I just needed to be happy. So I got out the book by John Bytheway called How To Be Totally Miserable (pretty much the best book in the world and absolutely hilarious). Along with making me laugh, it helped me put things back into perspective. It was a reminder that happiness doesn't deliver. You make yourself happy. "Happiness is a decision, not a destination." It takes more work to be mad than it does to be happy, just like it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. It was a simple little thing, but it has made the biggest difference. Every day I wake up and tell myself to be happy and so far it has worked. So the moral of the story: Just be Happy!


Anonymous said...

Funny Jams Dean quote. Didn't he die when he was 17? Now, gaze into my hypnotic beard!

Susie said...

Great quote Shanna- now I'll go to bed with a smile on my face!

Stacy said...

Yea i try to tell myself that too. Sometimes its hard. But really its just that simple. Its up to us to be happy. Well, sounds like you having fun in utah. Dont get too cold. haha