Thursday, September 27, 2007

So I have to say that these last few days have been very interesting. Monday night went well. Our lesson was about overcoming the "Goliath's" in our lives and the group was very willing to participate in discussion, so that was good. Tuesday morning, I woke up with really bad stomach pains. I waited for a while to see if they would go away and when 5:00 came around and I still couldn't stand straight, my roommate decided to take me to the emergency room. 7 hours and a million tests later, they figured out that I have another cyst on my ovary that is bleeding... So at 12:30 AM, they sent me home with a prescription for pain killers and said to take it easy. So, Wednesday I took it easy. I stayed in bed all day and decided that was enough! Wednesday night I went on a double date with Mataya and these 2 guys. They drove us up to Spanish Fork canyon and made us dinner over the fire. They brought a gun with them so we took turns shooting the soda cans they brought. I was the first one to hit one!!! :) We sat around the fire and talked and made s'mores until about midnight and then headed home. It was a really fun, relaxing evening and it was nice to be out of bed!! Today has been pretty laid back as well. Just takin care of some make up work and studyin for some tests! This weekend should be pretty fun. There are a few parties tomorrow night that we might stop by and then Saturday I'm goin out to Salt Lake to watch the Relief Society Broadcast with Melissa and her family. So I'm looking forward to that. I'll update on my weekend later!


The Dwelley's said...

sound like you are really having a good time. You may never come back to us. :(

danielle bailey said...

Jon will be so excited to hear that you went to Spanish Fork and there was a gun involved, he'll be so homesick. I can't believe the stuff that happens to you. I put some pictures on my blog, I'm kind of retarded still so they aren't very creative, but still cute. see ya. danielle