Saturday, November 10, 2007

Life is a Rollercoaster

LIFE is a rollercoaster- and a never-ending one at that. Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely loving life right now. School is going great, the weather is still nice, my ward is way fun, I have amazing friends, and life is just great. I do, however, feel like these last few weeks have been GO! GO! GO! and no time to just sit and relax. There has always been a test to study for, a party to go to, a paper to write, an FHE to plan, visiting teaching to do, dinner to make, working out to do, the usual around-the-house things, plus some bigger things on top of stalker-boy in our apartment... and other various things. And maybe it's just me, but I have been TOTALLY thrown off by daylight savings time this year. It gets dark so dang early and I start getting tired when it gets dark! That's not so helpful when it gets dark at 5:30... SO anyways... Needless to say, I am exhausted and SO looking forward to coming home for 8 DAYS for Thanksgiving!!! The holiday couldn't have come at a better time for me :)


Susie said...

In the movie "Parenthood" they have a scene where they talk about how life is like a rollercoaster- so, so true! I guess the best thing is to stay sitting down, hold on, and enjoy the ride!! Hope we get a chance to see you before you come home- we'll be there on Saturday, I'll call you!