Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yes... I Am A Professional

I finally got around to getting a job. You'd think that I would have been more on top of that, considering I am in my second year of college and have never had a real job. But anyways... I am officially employed. I work at Mountain Star Blood Services as a phlebotomist. It's a blood donation center and as my job, I take the blood pressure, the temperature, do the blood sample where they stick you in the finger (I think that's worse than the donation) and ask all the questions about medications and travel and all that jazz. Then I do all the prep work and take blood also. Right now I am just in training, so it's A LOT of bookwork and paperwork before I can do the hands on. But I will get to start going on blood drives next Thursday, so I am way excited about it! We rotate being "in-house", which means we stay at the office, but for the most part, we load up the van and go do blood drives. So most days I will be out, and they said I'll probably be working about 20-30 hours a week, but only 2 days a week, so it makes for long days. But I am really looking forward to starting the REAL stuff soon!

The scrubs and the badge MIGHT be the coolest part!! :)