Karissa on the merry-go-round
A random moose on Main Street
Just girls being girls...
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow." -James Dean
Posted by Shanna at 11:41 AM 1 comments
Last night, my roommate and I had the awesome opportunity to fly in a little 4-seater airplane! One of her friends is a pilot and he offered to take us up for a little while. It was so cool! We started at the airport in West Jordan and flew up to the Salt Lake airport, where we landed and then took off again and flew back to West Jordan. Then we just flew around and looked at everything from the air. It's an amazing view. It started getting dark while we were in the air so we got to see the sunset from the air too. Pretty cool!!
Karissa and I lookin real stylish with our headsets on!
Posted by Shanna at 8:49 AM 2 comments
Last week, some friends and I took a road trip to celebrate graduations for some and the end of another school year for others. We left Friday evening after graduation and drove down to California to spend the weekend at the beach! Saturday we spent all day on the beach, Sunday we went to church, had a picnic at the Newport Beach temple, and had a bonfire at the beach, Monday we went to Six Flags and my wonderful parents had us over for dinner, then Tuesday we went back to the beach for a few hours, went to BJ's for pazookies, and then headed back to Provo, pulling into the parking garage at 4:30 AM... It was such a fun weekend and it made me realize how much I miss California!!
Overall, I felt I was pretty prepared for college. Although I miss home, I wasn't as homesick as I thought I'd be, school was how I'd imagined, and I feel that I have been able to adjust fairly well. The one thing I was not prepared for, however, was the changes that would take place at the end of the school year. It's kinda sad how you get so close to people in the ward and at school and in your apartment and then everything changes. People move, get married, graduate, go study abroad, or other things, and it's like you have to start all over again. Move into a new apartment with new roommates. Be in a new ward with new people and new callings. New classes with new teachers and new people. I don't mind any of this - I like change and the challenges that come with it. I don't have a problem with what's starting. I guess I'm just sad about what's ending. This last year was so amazing. I love college and the college life. I met so many amazing people and made so many good frienships. And it's just weird to think that everything is different now. I know everything will be fine, and I'm sure I'll make new friends and have just as much fun, but for right now, it's kinda sad! :(
Ok, so I'm not really a mom. But I did get hamsters! We've been wanting to get an apartment pet for a while, and we thougth about getting the little baby turtles, but I went to the pet store and asked about them and they are apparently illegal to sell in Utah. So I got 2 little hamsters instead. They are so cute and way fun! I think one of them was sick because all he did was sleep and I never saw him eat or drink. I actually went in this morning to feed them and he was dead. But the other one is still goin strong and so funny to watch!
Isn't he cute?!
Posted by Shanna at 9:39 AM 1 comments