Friday, February 22, 2008

BYU Volleyball and 101st Ward Intramural Soccer

A group of people from my ward and I all went to the BYU Men's Volleyball game against Stanford. The game was pretty intense and they ended up having to play all 5 games. Although it was close, BYU ended up winning! The picture is of Sherry, me, and Jen at the game. There were other people there - we just didn't get pictures of everyone!!

The volleyball team after warm up right before the game. They played so well!!

This is a picture of the soccer game. We ran from the volleyball game to see the last 2 minutes of the soccer game. When we walked in the score board said 0 to 11... We weren't quite sure whether we were the 0 or the 11. But we ended up being the 11, making us undefeated so far! Hopefully in 2 weeks I'll be out there too! :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

<3<3 HEART ATTACK <3<3

I was supposed to babysit for the Johnson's on Valentines day, but due to illness, we had to postpone. So Saturday night was our Valentines day. My wonderful roommate stayed up way late one night and helped me cut out a million hearts.... ok, not a million - but it felt like it!! Then on Saturday, Eliza and Mylie and I decorated some of them and heart attacked Whit and Melissa's room. For those of you who don't know what heart attacking is, it's when you tape hearts up everywhere. It's like being toilet papered... only with hearts. At first the girls didn't quite understand it, but once they got the idea they were so excited! I didn't think we would come close to using all the hearts but they hung up every single one. It was so funny to watch them run around and hang them up as fast as they could- they were sure that their parents would come home any second. I told them that when they came home they couldn't tell them anything because it was supposed to be a surprise. But Mylie was way too excited. As soon as they walked in the door Mylie says, "Mom, Dad - there is something in your room!! Hurry! Go look!! Look what we did!!" It was too funny!

Mylie putting up hearts
Eliza putting up hearts
Part of the room we heart attacked
Mylie decorating hearts
Eliza decorating hearts

Sorry the pictures are backwards... we did decorate them first. And the girls were playing "dress-up", hence the dresses they are wearing :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentine's Day to you all. Or Happy Singles Awareness Day, whichever you prefer. So funny story about my day... Due to the fact that I don't have a Valentine, I was supposed to babysit tonight to allow some friends to go out for the night. But, I didn't end up doing that because they all got sick last night. Soooo... I decided to settle in for a night by myself and just get some things done that I have been putting off... like laundry. And dishes. So I was doing the dishes and there was a knock at the door. I go to answer it and there are 2 good looking men standing there in suits with a rose and a stick of Laffy Taffy. They introduce themselves and tell me that they are my home teachers and give me the rose and the candy. I invited them in for a minute and we were just talking and getting to know each other, when one of them asks me to go to the stake Valentines dance. Let me just give you a visual.... I am in blue sweat pants, a gray UVU sweatshirt, minimal make-up, and my hair is up on top of my head in the messiest bun you've ever seen. He says he's leaving in ten minutes to go to the dance. Not happening!!!! Had I maybe had an hour to get ready and a day to shop for an outfit, I totally would have gone. But I didn't. It was a nice gesture though.

But anyways... I hope you all enjoyed your Valentines Day!!! Love you all! <3

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gotta Love FHE

Last night for FHE we combined with another group to do somewhat of a service project. We made and decorated Valentine's cookines and then ding-dong-ditched people's apartments in our ward and left cookies on their doorstep. It was a pretty fun night - cookies, frosting, candy, love songs playing in the background - you know, the whole shebang. Here are a few of the pictures!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Computers are Retarded...

So I just got on my blog and for some strange reason, my last 3 posts have been deleted... no where to be found. But my computer has been acting up lately. I probably pushed a wrong button or something and it spazzed out. Who knows. But o well, it wasn't anything too important. I'll update later about my trip home, but right now it's time for bed!!